


Work Permit For Canada

Thousands of people worldwide come to Canada to work in various industries because of the country’s rapidly growing economy. These workers need a work permit. Earnest Immigration can help you to get a work permit to authorize you to work in Canada!

What is a Canadian work permit?

A work permit is a legally binding document that enables foreign citizens to work while they are in Canada. More than half a million foreign workers get Canadian work permits every year from all over the world.

Canada is one of the best options for foreign nationals who want promising career opportunities. Starting work in Canada on a work permit is the best first step for individuals looking to immigrate to Canada permanently. 

Types of Work Permits for Canada

For obtaining a work permit in Canada, there are numerous options. Some work permits demand that an applicant have a job offer from a Canadian firm, while others require that the Employer present a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). Still, most of them need that the applicant has some link to Canada (previous education, spousal sponsorship, etc.). 

There are two essential types of work permits Canada issues for foreigners: Employer-specific work permits and Open work permits. 

Employer-specific work permit

Your chances to work in Canada are based upon a work permit specific to your company.

  • The company you can work for particularly is named
  • The specific name of the company that you will be working for
  • Duration of your work tenure
  • Your workplace’s location (if applicable)

Your company must provide you with a work permit before you apply for an employer-specific permit.

  • A copy of your employment agreement
  • Any one of the below
  • A labor market impact assessment (LMIA) copy 
  • An employment offer number (for LMIA-exempt workers)
  • Your Employer requires to use the Employer Portal to generate this number.
  • If the Employer Portal is not necessary for your Employer to use: Your Employer needs to provide you with a copy of the employment contract even if they do not utilize the Employer Portal to make the offer of employment.

Open work permit 

You are eligible to work for any employer in Canada with an open work permit, excluding the ones that:

An open work permit is only available under certain circumstances.

How do you obtain a work permit for Canada?

The entry requirements into Canada can vary greatly depending on the kind of work permit a person needs. Select the work permit ideal for you as a first step. For example, international students already enrolled in studies in Canada generally acquire an automated clearance to work part-time.

For most Employer-specific Work Permits, foreign candidates must hold an assurance of work from a Canadian employer that is supported by a LIMA or Labour Market Impact Assessment. Also, candidates who are excluded from the Labour Market Impact Assessment or don’t require a work permit should be familiar with the relevant paperwork they must submit to secure their admittance to Canada. The two main options for getting a Canadian work permit are closed or limited work permits, often known as employer-specific work permits, and open work permits.

A foreign citizen with an employer-specific work permit is required to keep working for those employers at the same address, except their work permits are changed since employer-specific work permits are allocated to specific employers.

Get in touch with us, and a member of our staff will help you arrange a consultation if you need assistance with the application.

Who is eligible to obtain a Canadian work permit?

Candidates who are qualified to make a request for a work permit must also fulfill the following requirements:

  • Clearly express their intention to depart when their work permit expires; 
  • Illustrate that they have enough money to maintain themselves and their family in Canada and to travel back home;
  • Are not medically or criminally barred from entering Canada;
  • Aspire to work for a qualified employer;
  • Should be able to provide any mandated documentation to back their entry eligibility into Canada

How long are work permits valid in Canada?

With rare exceptions, Canadian work permits usually last between one and two years. Canadian officials will only allow a work permit up to the passport’s expiry or the mentioned duration on the job offer. 

If you want to work in Canada but you need help figuring out what to do next, contact Earnest Immigration to learn more about how to receive the correct authorizations to work in Canada. Earnest Immigration would be happy to help you throughout the entire procedure!